
Playing Online Games with Friends

Can’t travel or meet up with friends thanks to the new lockdown limitations? Satisfy your wanderlust cravings and hit your daily socialisation quota by playing online games with your friends!


There are many ‘remote play together’ games out there, which are not limited by a brand or a device! They easily allow you to share your local co-op games with your friends online. Basically, one person purchases the game, and everyone else can join in and play with you from any location. You can agree or disagree and lots more all within your youchamp chat function.


Next time you’re running out of fun Friday night ideas, do yourself and your friends a favour and grab yourselves a spot at Westpac OpenAir. Share the costs (and photos of the Sydney Harbour) all within the youchamp app.

You can go here to pick your favourite game and share the cost in your youchamp app. With youchamp, you can keep it fair by seeing who has paid for what games. Use the youchamp Direct Pay function to pay your friends instantly.

Stay social while social distancing. Use youchamp to continue sharing with your friends!


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