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A big WELL DONE from Champy for making it through the school year! Your final exams are almost over, so go out and celebrate your hard work. Use youchamp to book the most exciting week of your life!

Schoolies is the best excuse to go on the ultimate trip of freedom with your friends. If parties aren’t your thing – there are so many other ways to have a fun time! Use youchamp to share a trip to Bali or Fiji, or live it up at a beach festival near you. youchamp will help you gather the cash and put a plan together!

Going on a trip when you’ve just finished school does sound insane. But insane is memorable. And youchamp will help you make great memories that will last of your life.

Happy times come and go, but the memories stay forever! youchamp it!

Thank you,


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It’s been a long week and Champy thinks it’s time to start having some fun! youchamp will help you beat the stress of planning and sharing your next outing.

Not sure where to go? Parramatta Lanes is back – but not for long! Use youchamp to get your friends together to visit the many themed laneways, food stalls and bars

Share food and drinks with youchamp while you enjoy live music, performances, art installations and more! Parramatta Lanes has some of the best places to dine. And using youchamp will save you the hassle of counting coins and playing with calculators.

We’ll sort out the boring bits while you and your mates pile up on awesome, delicious food.

Parramatta Lanes ends tomorrow night, so you’ve got to be quick! youchamp will get your friends together fast so there’s no chance of missing Western Sydney’s biggest annual food festival.

Now get out there and liven up your night with youchamp, entertainment and a bunch of good friends!

Thank you


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Is there anything more fun and fulfilling than karaoke? Seriously, how could anything outdo your closest friends and family members belting out songs that we all know and love?

Having a night out has never been more fun! youchamp allows you to round up a group of friends to join you in living out your musical dreams.

Cities have lots of karaoke bars where you can sing in front of strangers. Or you can book out a small room for just you and your friends. Karaoke is really an awesome way to bond, and everyone has a little sing in them!

But what about that karaoke-shy friend? Pick their favourite song and sing it together! And you know what? Using youchamp to pay for drinks and food helps too.

It really doesn’t matter if you can sing or not – it’s all about having fun with your friends and making lasting memories with youchamp!

Thank you,


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Create a youchamp Group

Champy is a sucker for the farmer’s markets. Yes, I may be a bot in an app, but I still like how markets are fun, inspirational and full of energy. It’s just like youchamp!

Markets are super popular, especially since fruits and veggies can be sooo expensive these days. You need a whole family to chip in just to pay for one load of groceries!


Speaking of veggies and chipping in, did you know that you can use youchamp to help your friends with their shopping? AND help them save money? That’s right! Create a new youchamp group so your friends can tell you what they would like from the markets. Then they can share the costs through the app.

youchamp is all about caring and sharing. And this is a great way to show your friends that you care and bring a smile to their faces!

Thank you,


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Event Planning App

Can you believe it’s already the winter school holidays? Time to get out your winter woollies and a mug of hot chocolate, and get your motel, hotel or Airbnb booked!

How do you get your family holiday-ready?

Get out your youchamp app, start up a new group and get planning with the fam. Pop in the things you need to bring – and the things you need to buy! Think of youchamp as your event planning app – use it to plan your activities so there are plenty of things to do. Book your accommodation and let youchamp help you sort out your budget!

youchamp will prepare you for the school holidays and help you make special family memories this winter.


Got some time to kill on your road trip? Enter the youchamp Sony PS4 competition and get referring. The more that people click on your unique link, the greater your chances of winning!

Thank you,


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Host a Great World Cup Party

Ah, football! Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no escaping the Fifa World Cup 2018. If you can’t beat ‘em, you might as well join ‘em!

Champy thinks the World Cup is the perfect chance to get together with your mates to watch some of the world’s best soccer players in action. But how to host a GREAT World Cup party?

With youchamp, silly!


Create a new youchamp group with your full guest list (if your friend doesn’t have youchamp, they can still contribute through the youchamp; website) (or pester them to download the app). Chat with your friends about what they would like from the celebration. Set yourselves a group budget – and make sure you’ve got enough for all those snacks and drinks you’ll be enjoying!

Don’t forget that the Sony PS4 is still up for grabs! If you’ve already gotten your youchamp referral link, AWESOME! Share it around with your friends to up your chances of winning.

Thank you,


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Track Social Spending

Champy loves Vivid Sydney, and so should you! Go out with your friends, enjoy the light show and appreciate some of the best local spots you don’t normally visit.

It’s only until the 16th of June, so be quick! Use youchamp to instantly organise an outing with your friends and family. Get out there and start sharing the fun with youchamp!


In case you’ve forgotten, you can still enter to win the Sony PlayStation 4. Jump onto the youchamp website and fill out the form. Once you get your unique referral link, make sure you share it with everyone you know.

The more points you get, the greater your chances of winning. Go ahead and track your social spending!

Thank you,


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Organise a State of Origin Party with Friends

Are you a Blue or a Maroon? Champy is excited that it is State of Origin time!

Organise your friends, watch the game. Only worry about what is happening on the field and let youchamp worry about the rest. Create a State of Origin group in youchamp and invite your friends – organise a State of Origin party with friends in one easy to manage place.

Go the Blues. Go the Maroons. Go Champy! Whoever you want to win, Champy supports you.


Don’t forget the Sony Playstation 4 is still up for grabs. Head to the youchamp website and fill out the form. You’ll get your very own link to send to your friends. Every one who signs up using your link gives you 1 point. The person with the most points will win a PS4 of their very own. Then you can play Rugby League all you want. State vs State, Mate vs Mate! Good luck!

Good luck,


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Make Organising Easier

Who watched the royal wedding this week? Champy sure did! I heard there were a few bumps in the road along the way. What a shame they didn’t use youchamp! Chatting with each other in youchamp and sharing the costs would make organisation easier!

Hmm, Champy wonders what their youchamp group would’ve been like…


Are you feeling a little bummed out that you didn’t get an invite to the royal wedding? Get enough of your friends to split group expenses in youchamp , and you can afford to hold your own mock royal wedding!

Enjoy your weekend!
