
How to Split the Bill

The Easter long weekend is rolling around and I’m sure you are ready for a break! If you’re itching to get out of town for a while, now is the perfect time!

With all the new updates youchamp will help you have the ultimate weekend with your loved ones and avoid awkward conversations once and for all!

How to Split Costs

So, what’s new? Are you going to have that well-deserved trip with your friends and focus on fun and not the one always forgets to pay? Now you can do all that through just forming a youchamp group! Let youchamp keep the peace between everyone by cutting out uncomfortable silence and arguments about who owes what and to whom!

Maybe you are not that excited to get out of town and just want to rest and go to a nice restaurant, but it doesn’t split the bill? Using the youchamp QR code you can pay everyone at the same time! Just scan the code and it’s all done!

Moreover, youchamp makes your life easier as every Sunday it will remind you who owes you or who you need to pay! Sweet, isn’t it?

You can have all the fun with less of the cost when you share it on youchamp.

Have a great Easter long weekend where youcare, youshare and youchamp!

Thank you,


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