
Be Sensible and fight this Lockdown 2.0 with youchamp!

With NSW now in lock down, and many other states looking like they will follow suit, it’s important that we all keep COVID safe and stay home. Of course, we still need to go out for our essential shopping – unless you’re a hoarder who already has a year’s worth of supplies!

Enter: youchamp.


Use youchamp to compile a shopping list. To play it safe, only one member of your household – a family member, friend or roommate – should do the groceries at a time.

After the items are bought, upload a photo of the receipt to youchamp and let everyone pay for their own items. youchamp will send the money directly and instantly to the recipient’s account, so they aren’t left out of pocket.

All expenses will be paid – no touching required!

Stay safe, healthy and isolate. youchamp will help you get through this!

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